

 Our school got its name, Jing He, from a meeting of ZHonghe City Representative Council. In 1990, the school was officially named “Jing He Junior High school” by Taipei County Government. In 1998, the school was renamed “Jing He Senior High School” as we started to enroll senior high school students. In 2010, the name of the school was changed to “New Taipei Municipal Jinghe Senior High School” after New Taipei City became a municipality.
    The total area of the campus is 35193 square meters. Now we have 22 classes in Senior High school (including 3 PE classes), 71 classes in Junior High School, 2 Special Education Classes, and 3 classes in Continuing Education School. The total number of the students is 3288, and that of the faculty is 250.
Office of Academic Affairs
The Office of Academic Affairs is responsible for carrying out the educational administrative affairs of the school. It is comprised of the Registration Section, Curriculum Section, Experiment & Research Section and Equipment Section.
Director of Academic Affairs
Young, Pong-Yao
Tel: (02) 22498566 ext.: 210
Office of Students Affairs
The Office of Student Affairs is responsible for providing services and resources to assist the total development of students—intellectual, social, cultural, physical, emotional, and ethical. It is composed of the Discipline Section, Student Activities Section, Hygiene Section, Physical Education Section and Health Center.
Director of Students Affairs
Lin, Tzu-Chung
Tel: (02) 22498566 ext.: 230
Office of General Affairs
The Office of General Affairs is responsible for plumbing and electrical repairs to campus planning. It is composed of Purchase & Maintenance Section, Documents & Files Section, and Cashier Section.
Director of General Affairs
Chu, Yo-Wei
Tel: (02) 22498566 ext.: 220
Counselors’ Office
The Counselors’ Office provides many services and programs for students, parents, and faculty to assist in achieving academic success and in exploring options for the future. It is composed of Counseling Section, Career Development Section and Special Education Section.
Direction of Counselors’ Office
Chio, Mong-Shu
Tel: (02) 22498566 ext.: 120
Library is the link to literacy and research. It also supports and develops E-teaching strategies at school. It is composed of Acquisition and Cataloging Section, Reader Service Section and Information Technology Section.
Direction of Library
Chu, Tzu-Wen
Tel: (02) 22498566 ext.: 242